Upgrading CKAN to a New Instance

The Official Instructions don’t have example code, so I wrote this doc. I am not doing the in-place instructions.

You will want 3 terminals open - one logged into the old instance, one logged into the new instance, and one for your local machine.

# Old Machine
ssh -i {path/to/private_key} ec2-user@{old_instance_ip}

# New Machine
ssh -i {path/to/private_key} ec2-user@{new_instance_ip}

If you don’t have access to key-pair for the old or new machine, follow these instructions.

Restore databases from the old to the new instance

  1. Export the ckan_default and datastore_default PostgreSQL databases using pg_dump. When prompted for the password, use the the postgres user’s password that was previously set. You can find this password in the mpsotto.kdbx KeePassXC database under the AWS CKAN folder.

    pg_dump -U postgres -W -F t ckan_default > ~/ckan_default_dump.tar
    pg_dump -U postgres -W -F t datastore_default > ~/datastore_default_dump.tar
  2. Copy the dump files from the old machine to your new machine (don’t forget to change the IP addresses and private keys below)

    # copy the files and directories from your old instance to your local machine
    scp -i {path/to/private_key} ec2-users@{old_instance_ip}:~/ckan_default_dump.tar ~/
    scp -i {path/to/private_key} ec2-users@{old_instance_ip}:~/datastore_default_dump.tar ~/
    # copy the files and directories from your local machine to your new machine
    scp -i {path/to/private_key} ~/ckan_default_dump.tar ec2-users@{new_instance_ip}:~/
    scp -i {path/to/private_key} ~/datastore_default_dump.tar ec2-users@{new_instance_ip}:~/

    Learn more about the scp command here.

  3. Drop and recreate the databases in the new machine

    # enter postgres terminal
    sudo -u postgres psql
    -- drop existing connections to ckan_default, drop the table, then recreate it
    SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pg_stat_activity.pid)
    FROM pg_stat_activity
    WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = 'ckan_default'
      AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();
    DROP DATABASE ckan_default;
    CREATE DATABASE ckan_default;
    -- drop existing connections to datastore_default, drop the table, then recreate it
    SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pg_stat_activity.pid)
    FROM pg_stat_activity
    WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = 'datastore_default'
      AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();
    DROP DATABASE datastore_default;
    CREATE DATABASE datastore_default;
    -- Hit Ctrl+Z to exit postgres terminal
  4. Restore the databases from the old machine to the new machine using pg_restore.

    # move dump files to root to make them easily findable
    sudo mv ~/ckan_default_dump.tar /
    sudo mv ~/datastore_default_dump.tar /
    # Change permissions to avoid permissions errors
    sudo chmod 777 /ckan_default_dump.tar
    sudo chmod 777 /datastore_default_dump.tar
    # restore the databases using pg_restore as the postgres user
    sudo -u postgres pg_restore --dbname=ckan_default --create --verbose /ckan_default_dump.tar
    sudo -u postgres pg_restore --dbname=datastore_default --create --verbose /datastore_default_dump.tar

Move the Filestore

  1. In the old instance, if you have enabled the CKAN filestore, copy it’s directory to your home folder. (If you’re unsure, check /etc/ckan/default/production.ini for the ckan.storage_path variable to see if it is set. Copy that directory if it is present.)

  2. Copy the filestore to your new machine (don’t forget to change the IP addresses and private keys below)

    # copy the files and directories from your old instance to your local machine
    scp -i {path/to/private_key} -r ec2-users@{old_instance_ip}:~/ckan ~/
    # copy the files and directories from your local machine to your new machine
    scp -i {path/to/private_key} -r ~/ckan ec2-users@{new_instance_ip}:~/

    Learn more about the scp command here.

  3. Extract the filestore archive to the same location on the new instance and set the ckan.storage_path value appropriately within the /etc/ckan/default/production.ini file. If it is the same name, you don’t need to worry about changing the storage_path variable.

    # remove the existing filestore
    sudo rm -rf /var/shared_storage/ckan
    # replace with the old filestore
    sudo mv ~/ckan/ /var/shared_storage/
  4. Set the ckan folder’s permissions to apache:apache (otherwise datasets won’t be able to be added)

    sudo -u root chown -R apache:apache /var/shared_storage/ckan/

Move the Promoted Image

  1. In the old instance, copy the promoted image to your home directory.

    sudo cp /lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/ckan/public/base/images/promoted-image.jpg ~/
  2. Copy the promoted image to your new machine (don’t forget to change the IP addresses and private keys below)

    # copy the files and directories from your old instance to your local machine
    scp -i {path/to/private_key} ec2-users@{old_instance_ip}:~/promoted-image.jpg ~/
    # copy the files and directories from your local machine to your new machine
    scp -i {path/to/private_key} ~/promoted-image.jpg ec2-users@{new_instance_ip}:~/

    Learn more about the scp command here.

  3. Move the promoted image to the images directory

    sudo mv ~/promoted-image.jpg /lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/ckan/public/base/images/
  4. Link to promoted-image.jpg in the html snippet containing the promoted image code.

    sudo nano /lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/ckan/templates/home/snippets/promoted.html
    <!-- add the path to promoted-image.jpg -->
    <img src="{{ h.url_for_static('/base/images/promoted-image.jpg') }}" />

Move any installed extensions

  1. Check your old and new ckan instances to see what extensions need to be transferred.

    # anything with ckanext- in the directory name is an extension
    # Old Instance
    ls /lib/ckan/default/src/
    ... ckan  ckanext-apihelper  ckanext-harvest  ckanext-pages
    # New Instance
    ls /lib/ckan/default/src/
    ... ckan  ckanext-harvest  ckanext-pages

    Assuming your two directories looked like the two above, you would need to copy the ckanext-apihelper extension to your home folder. You will place this in the same spot in your new instance.

    sudo cp -R /lib/ckan/default/src/ckanext-apihelper ~/
  2. Copy the extensions to your new machine (don’t forget to change the IP addresses and private keys below)

    # copy the files and directories from your old instance to your local machine
    scp -i {path/to/private_key} -r ec2-users@{old_instance_ip}:~/ckanext-{extension_name} ~/
    # copy the files and directories from your local machine to your new machine
    scp -i {path/to/private_key} -r ~/ckanext-{extension_name} ec2-users@{new_instance_ip}:~/

    Learn more about the scp command here.

  3. Move the extensions to the proper directory

    sudo mv -R ~/ckanext-{extension_name} /lib/ckan/default/src/
  4. add the extension name to the end of the plugins variable in the CKAN config file

    sudo nano /etc/ckan/default/production.ini
    ckan.plugins = stats text_view image_view recline_view datastore datapusher resource_proxy geo_view pages harvest ckan_harvester apihelper

Final Steps

  1. Perform a Solr re-index so the new Solr service contains records of the newly imported data. Use the commands below:

    # activate the python virtualenv and go to the ckan directory
    . /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
    cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckan
    # rebuild the index for the database
    paster --plugin=ckan search-index rebuild --config=/etc/ckan/default/production.ini
  2. Disassociate the Elastic IP Address from the old instance and Associate it with the new instance.

    • View your running instances on AWS. Remember the Elastic IP address (copy and paste it somewhere so you don’t forget it).

      Elastic IP

    • Select the old instance, click the Actions dropdown, click Networking, then click Disassociate Elastic IP address.

      Disassociate EIP

    • Select Elastic IPs from the sidebar menu under Networking.

      EIPs Option

    • Select the same IP Address you just Disassociated from the old instance, click the Actions dropdown, then click Associate Elastic IP address.

      Associate EIP

    • Select Instance, then click into the instance input field and select the new instance.

    • Click into the Private IP input field and select the Private IP of the instance (there will likely only be one option).

    • Click Associate.

      Final Associate EIP Option

  3. Follow these instructions to configure HTTPS on the server.

  4. Restart the Nginx and Apache servers if you didn’t already in the HTTPS setup.

    sudo systemctl restart nginx
    sudo systemctl restart httpd

Check that data was transferred correctly

  • [ ] Check that the promoted-image on the main page is present.

  • [ ] Check that all ckan users are still present.

  • [ ] Check that all ckan datasets are still present.

Setup CodeDeploy

  • First, you will need to move the production.ini to the main CKAN codebase directory and create a symlink to it in the original directory. This is so that you will be able to directly edit the production.ini without having to ssh into the EC2 instance.

    sudo mv /etc/ckan/default/production.ini /lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/
    sudo ln -s /lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/production.ini /etc/ckan/default/production.ini
  • The rest of the CodeDeploy instructions will come at a later date (when we finish the setup). You can view this Github Issue for details on progress.

Configure HTTPS on the server